In this experiment we will test our question and put bird feeders in different locations and see if predators affect bird feeding habits. We will use different methods and materials for these trials. One trial will be putting up paper hawks next to the bird feeders that are in different locations. The next trial we will take down the paper hawks and find the results. Each time people will record the results for four minutes.

We think this is an appropriate question because a hawk or such predator scares away feeding birds. We, as a class, decided to put the bird feeders in different locations because there are different hiding places for birds to hide if a predator comes, such as vegetation as a safety spot.
3 bird feeders
A feeder full of bird feed
Paper hawk
Data sheets
Stop Watch

Set up bird feeders
Hang them in 3 different locations (lemon tree, blossom tree, and near a shed)
Collect data
Hang predator
Collect data
In conclusion, we found our hypothesis plausible. We conducted an experiment and observed the birds. Predators can affect bird feeding habits. But weather and the position of the bird feeder can affect feeding habits as well.